Monday, August 15, 2016

The Gorman Falls

What the park is really known for is Gorman Falls.   As I started to leave on my quick walk (AKA: the expedition) I asked two college-aged girls what is was like.  They said maybe a mile and be sure and bring water. I figured in 92 degree heat @ 70% humidity that with my top-siders, no socks, no hat, no sunblock, no water; I was ready to go. It was a revelation to learn; it is not a mile.  

To get there you have to hike about about 1.5+ miles over very rugged ground and then descend down a granite boulder.  The ground is rich with small outcroppings of stone just begging to trip and injure.

Seriously, you need to watch where you place your foot every time.  Once you get close to the falls, it is interesting to note that while the water is falling 60 feet on one side, the hiker is making a similar decent down the boulder.  The good news is that the boulder has been carefully polished by thousand of shoes. Hang On!
Nothing to get hurt on here
I did get there and I was very glad to capture some pictures for Debra.

Then there was the trek back.  I was winded and my right foot had a blister.  I really only had one hand because I was protecting the Nikon with the other hand.  Nonetheless, I made it up half-dome.  By this point I was wheezing like a broke lawn mower trying to start but I kept moving.  About half way back a young and spry college couple were crowding me trying to pass on the trail.  No doubt I looked terrible and they wanted some distance to avoid the risk of rendering aid.  I kept my pace and like all 50 year old men, I secretly shouted fro joy when they grew tired and had to stop.  Two and a half hours later I made it to the car.  Yea.  I never stopped except to take picture and was never passed-so I guess that was par for the course.  Debra was pretty worried and almost called in the search party.  But she took good care of me and I was quickly rehabbed.  

About 10 hours after this picture, my kidneys regained the memory of their function and provided me with a grateful reminder they were back at work.

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